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JIK JugendInterKult e.V.

Gregor Schröder

Tel + 49 1636 33 55 35


Am Köppekreuz 21

53225 Bonn

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The association JugendInterKult e.V.

We are pleased to note that you are visiting the website of JugendInterKult e.V. (JIK), and will briefly introduce you to the objectives and activities of JIK.


The supraregional active association (mainly in the region of Bonn – Cologne – Leverkusen) with headquarters in Sankt Augustin, which was founded in 2011, is comprised to the most part of young adults, who are interested in intercultural exchange trips and work together with youth from different countries of origin and cultures, not only within the framework of international exchange trips but also in creative projects.

A further focus is the special support of young refugees and migrants, as well as of socially and otherwise disadvantaged youth.

International Youth Exchanges

JIK, to this end, regularly organises international intercultural youth exchange trips to Israel / Palestine, Jordan, Crete, Istanbul, Rome, etc. We also plan to organise youth exchange trips to other cities such as Moscow, Budapest, Prague and Krakow in the future. This is highly dependent on suitable partner youth organisations in these cities as well as possible trip dates.

Of course, return visits of the youth from friendly international youth organisations also take place through us.

Creative projects

Once a year, the Indian dance group Nrityavani from various parts of India is our guest and offers evening events and workshops in schools, as well as participating in the organisation of worship services.

Among others, together with the Cologne theatre educationalist, actor and director Jürgen Albrecht, we regularly bring together new theatre groups of youth, with whom self-compiled or given pieces are rehearsed and performed. In the future, these creative projects will also be extended to cover the areas of music, dance and visual arts, also within the framework of our future intensified refugee work.

In Palestine, on the grounds of the private peace project "Tent of Nations" by Daoud Nassar (see below) we have formed together with the artist couple Carmen Dietrich and Gregor Merten the "Angel of Cultures" peace symbol designed by them, as a 30-meter-wide work of Land Art made of local stones. This project has among others been financed with the support of the Bethe Foundation.

In the case of all intercultural exchanges in cooperation with the artist couple, we use this pioneering symbol since we believe that a peaceful coexistence of the three monotheistic world religions is an indispensable prerequisite for lasting peace in the world, especially in the Near and Middle East.  

Financial support

In Palestine, we particularly actively support through regular visits the international private peace project "Tent of Nations" by the Christian Palestinian and peace activist Daoud Nassar (see above), which is threatened by expropriation attempts.

In addition we also support the voluntary work of young people in Middle East countries.

We provide financial support in special cases, among others particularly young war refugees in need, for example from Kosovo, Bosnia, Congo, etc.

Young up-and-coming talents in the areas of theatre, dance, film, music and visual arts can also in special cases receive support from us.

Refugee work

After having already carried out individual projects (canoe trips, climbing tours) with unaccompanied young refugees in recent years, we would now like to offer various projects together with young Germans in the field of refugee work. We shall thereby work with proven and new artists or respectively skilled workers.

These activities shall of course only be possible through the commitment of many volunteers.


Therefore our request:

Any kind of support is welcome. The first step in doing so is here.